Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They don't make 'em like this anymore (Thank Goodness!)

I thought I try and take an informal inventory of Uncle Ferd's tools and supplies in the garage last night when I came across his old pesticides. And when I say old, I mean old.

Considering the fact that DDT was taken off the market on Dec. 31, 1972, the right red canister on the top shelf is no less than 36 years old. If possible, the red cannister to left is even scarier: Lead Arsenate. This is the stuff that DDT replaced in 1947... The search for a substitute had been on since 1919 and DDT was the kinder, gentler pesticide. This pesticide is even used to control earthworms. Yikes. Kind of ironic since I'm purposely keeping earthworms out in the barn for castings and a high protein chicken feed supplement. (Ugh, I hope they don't freeze!) According to Wikipedia, Lead Arsenate wasn't used much after the late 50's. However, this house wasn't built until 1960, so who knows how long it has been sitting there. For all I know, it was moved over from Uncle Ferd and Aunt Mary's previous house. This stuff is OLD.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jonah with the Pigs

Here's a picture of my son Jonah with the new pigs...

I used a simple Rubbermaid garbage canister that I had out on the deck at our old apartment. It won't be big enough for long, but the pigs seem to like it now. They snuggle up with each other in the straw at night and seem to feel very safe in there. (Whenever I come to feeds them, they make a run for it. I expect before long they will be more interested in the food I bring and won't run away.)

I used some scrap plywood and tin I found in the barn for fencing. I thought the tin might be a little short, so I've already raised those portions of the wall w/ some pieces of another Rubbermaid shed that I have yet to reassemble since the move.

You might have guessed that then grass seen next to the pigs is no more. :) They really do love to root around and dig.

First Post

Welcome to the new "Farm Hacker " blog.

I am a Systems Administrator with a passion for self sufficient agriculture. Last week, I realized a dream I've had for the last five years of my life and my family moved to a small holding of about 2.5 acres. We inherited 2 cats, and in our first week, I was able to procure 2 pigs and a bin of Red Wiggler earthworms. Hopefully by about this time tomorrow I've have a half-dozen hens as well.

This is going to be a great adventure, and a lot of work, but I am so excited!